This project was completed for the Cultural Intelligence Center with Lead Designer Tina Kessel.
This new product was developed during my time working there to help people build and improve their career skills. I was given a lot of freedom when it came to creating the look for this material set and wanted to set it apart as something unique and not tied to other products in their current collection. The color green had not been used in any of their other materials, so my supervisor sent me a color she had picked out in the past that she thought would work well as an additional color.
At the beginning of the project, this suite’s target audience was students, so I incorporated a person wearing a graduation cap in front of a globe. The globe and a graduation cap are used in their CQ for Educators materials, so it tied in nicely while standing out. I did many logo variations to eventually come up with the final product suite logo.
After the visual identity of the product suite was established and I received the content, I was able to create the Reflection Journal, which was the main component of the CQ Credential. I based the layout and design direction on their other materials, and my colleagues and I are very pleased with how it turned out:

Along with these pieces, I also created a digital badge and certificate of completion: